Battle Reports

Battlegroup 20mm - "Last Act in Lorraine" Germa...
G'day, Mike and I have finished playing another Battlegroup battle using our 20mm Tabletop Ready range. We used an ASL scenario "Last Act in Lorraine", which has a gung ho American...
Battlegroup 20mm - "Last Act in Lorraine" Germa...
G'day, Mike and I have finished playing another Battlegroup battle using our 20mm Tabletop Ready range. We used an ASL scenario "Last Act in Lorraine", which has a gung ho American...

"Four Aces" 15mm Battlegroup Report (ASL Scenar...
We try another ASL scenario port to Battlegroup. This time French and German armoured forces clash with explosive results in glorious 15mm. The 15mm terrain is from our Tabletop Ready...
"Four Aces" 15mm Battlegroup Report (ASL Scenar...
We try another ASL scenario port to Battlegroup. This time French and German armoured forces clash with explosive results in glorious 15mm. The 15mm terrain is from our Tabletop Ready...
"Ripe Pickings" - 20mm Battlegroup Report (ASL ...
This report uses the ASL deluxe scenario 11 "Ripe Pickings" ported over to a Battlegroup game. The Americans and Germans clash at a crossroads on the morning of 8 July...
"Ripe Pickings" - 20mm Battlegroup Report (ASL ...
This report uses the ASL deluxe scenario 11 "Ripe Pickings" ported over to a Battlegroup game. The Americans and Germans clash at a crossroads on the morning of 8 July...
"Grandcamp" Scenario 3 of 3 - 20mm Battlegroup ...
Join Mike and I in our final game of our Heroes of Omaha series. This game see's the Americans attempting to connect the Omaha and Utah beachheads. Some of our...
"Grandcamp" Scenario 3 of 3 - 20mm Battlegroup ...
Join Mike and I in our final game of our Heroes of Omaha series. This game see's the Americans attempting to connect the Omaha and Utah beachheads. Some of our...
"Ranger Rescue" Scenario 2 of 3 Battlegroup 20m...
The second battle of our Heroes of Omaha series. In the "Ranger Rescue" scenario American forces are attempting to relieve the hard pressed Rangers at Point Du Hoc, whilst the Germans...
"Ranger Rescue" Scenario 2 of 3 Battlegroup 20m...
The second battle of our Heroes of Omaha series. In the "Ranger Rescue" scenario American forces are attempting to relieve the hard pressed Rangers at Point Du Hoc, whilst the Germans...
BA Gaming 20mm Battlegroup battle report- "Bluf...
Mike and I have kicked off a mini "Battlegroup" campaign in 20mm. Join us for scenario 1 "Bluff at easy green", as the American GIs attempt to push inland from the beach...
BA Gaming 20mm Battlegroup battle report- "Bluf...
Mike and I have kicked off a mini "Battlegroup" campaign in 20mm. Join us for scenario 1 "Bluff at easy green", as the American GIs attempt to push inland from the beach...